![Svetozár Mydlo Svetozár Mydlo](https://www.bibiana.sk/sites/default/files/carousel/1-svetozar_mydlo-007.jpg)
Dates of event :
from: 8. 9. 2017
to: 29. 10. 2017
Venue :
Slovenské národné múzeum, Vajanského nábrežie č. 2.
The artist was born on 10 July 1948 in Ružomberok. After his studies at the School of Industry Arts in Bratislava he studied in the studio of free painting (Professor P. Matejka, D. Mily and F. Gajdoš) at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava He was a reputed illustrator, painter, graphic artist, caricaturist and author of postal stamps. He was the court graphic artist for the Radošinské naivné divadlo (Radosina Naive Theatre) and made posters, bulletins, illustrations, and stage designs for it in his original style and sense of humor. The Slovak Museum of Design keeps numerous works and designs by this original author. For many years he was also the art editor for the publisher of Mladé letá and also cooperated with Slniečko magazine and other publishers, theatres and periodicals. His last years were marked with intensive cooperation with the Buvik publisher. He authored numerous illustrations for books for children, youth and adults alike.
His visual expression featured creative ideas, wit, explosiveness, buoyant fantasy and joyous colors. Mydlo’s dynamic, multicolor and witty illustrations, just like all of his works, are notorious for their searching for and discovering ever new art techniques and procedures that are playful, bursting with energy, surprises and fun. Svetozár Mydlo was an artist with a distinct handwriting that is unrepeatable.
In 1996 Svetozár Mydlo won the Ľudovít Fulla Award for his children’s illustrations. He was awarded the main prize at Kremnicke gagy in 2012 for his life-long accomplishment in visual art humor and in 2000 he was inscribed in the IBBY Honor List. The artist died on 29 November 2014 in Bratislava.
Mgr. Viera Anoškinová
Head of BIB Secretariat