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International Symposium BIB 2017

International Symposium BIB 2017

“Art versus Commerce”

The role of artistic illustration in the modern world of commerce. Original and unconventional strategies of illustrators.    

Saturday 9. 9. 2017
10.00 opening of the symposium
Mgr. Viera Anoškinová – coordinator of the International Symposium BIB 2013, Ing. Peter Tvrdoň, director of BIBIANA, International House of Art for Childrfen, PhDr. Zuzana Jarošová, general commissioner BIB.
1. Ms. Senka Vlahovič: Dušan Pavlić’s Style Games. Original and unconventional strategies of illustration in the market of children’s books.
2. Mr. Steffen Larsen: As time goes by. Some observations on observing art and commercialism.
3. Ms. Maria Christania:  Indonesian Picture Books: Striving Against the Mainstream.
Coffee break: 11.30 – 11.50
4. Ms. Dragana Palavestra: “Art versus Commerce”. The role of artistic illustration in the modern world of commerce.  Original and unconventional strategies of illustrators.
5.  Ms. Marija José Sottomayor:  Young portuguese publishers make creative and challenging books.
6. Ms.  Renáta Fučíková: Fawning, headstrong or accommodating...what kind of children´s illustration would we like to have?
7. Mr. Hossein Sheikh Rezaee: The Right to the City in a Selected of Iranian Picturebooks
Lunch break 13.30-14.30
8. Mr. Václav Šlajch: Art school confidential: professionals. Contemporaneity in commercial illustration
9.  Ms. Marija Ristić, Mirjana Bajić: Art  vs  commerce. The role of artistic illustration in the modern world of commerce. Original and unconventional strategies of illustrators.
10. Ms. Manuela Vladić Maštruko: “Art versus Commerce”. The role of artistic illustration in the modern world of commerce.  Original and unconventional strategies of illustrators.
11. Ms. Nadezhda Bugoslavskaja: Topicality of illustration composition as a marketing principle.
12. Mr. Ali Boozari: Illustration for Art, Illustration for Market: A Case Study of the Two Published Books about Story of Zahhāk
Sunday, 10. 9. 2017
10.00 beginning of the 2nd Day of the International Symposium BIB
13. Ms. Milena Šubrtová: Changes of Icon-text Communication with Children in the 21st Century. Depiction of Time and Death in Children´s Picture Books.
14. Ms. Kirsten Bystrup: “Art versus Commerce”. The role of artistic illustration in the modern world of commerce. 
15. Mr. Minghzhou Zhang: Art Versus Commerce.  China in Picture Books --the China Picture Book Alliance 
16. Ms. Hoda Haddadi: Art versus stereotype. Defamiliarization of a book
12.00 end of the International Symposium
Mr. Ali Boozari                                   Irán / Iran
Ms. Nadezhda Bugoslavskaja             Rusko / Russia
Ms. Kirsten Bystrup                            Dánsko / Denmark
Ms, Renáta Fučíková                          Česká republika / Czech republic
Ms. Senka Vlahovič                            Srbsko / Serbia
Ms. Mirjana Bajić                                      Srbsko / Serbia
Ms. Hoda Haddadi                              Irán / Iran
Ms. Maria Christania                           Indonézia / Indonesia
Mr. Steffen Larsen                              Dánsko/ Denmark
Ms. Manuela Vladić Maštruko             Chorvátsko / Croatia
Ms. Dragana Palavestra                      Srbsko / Serbia
Mr. Hossein Sheikh Rezaee                Irán /Iran
Ms. Marija Ristić, Mirjana Bajić           Srbsko / Serbia
Ms. Marija José Sottomayor                Portugalsko / Portugal
Mr. Václav Šlajch                                Česká republika / Czech republic
Ms. Milena Šubrtová                           Česká republika / Czech republic
Mr. Minghzhou Zhang                        Čína / China
Ali Boozari, Iran
He works as an assistant professor at the Department of Graphical Design and Illustration, University of Art in Tehran and has published several papers on book illustration in Iran and also works as an illustrator. His illustrations have been published in several countries and have won awards. He has been a curator for numerous exhibitions in various countries with a focus on illustration. He was an active participant in several congresses focused on art and literature for children and was also a member of international juries in competitions oriented at illustration for children.
Nadezhda Bugoslavskaya, Russia
In 1991 she graduated from the Moscow State Art Institute named after VI Surikov. From 1992 to 2001 she was engaged in teaching activities, working in parallel in book illustration. Since 2001, she has completely focused on book illustration. I work with the Moscow publishing houses AST, Makhaon, Labyrinth. Illustrated the books Astrid Lindgren, Karel Capek, Ludwig Jerzy Kern, Joel Harris, Samuel Marshak, Yuz Aleshkovskiy and other authors. I participate in Moscow and international exhibitions, a member of the Moscow Union of Artists since 1994.
Kirsten Bystrup, Denmark
She has worked as a librarian at The Danish Centre for Children’s Literature, as an editor of book annotations for the public libraries and as a children’s librarian at the public libraries for many years. Masters Degree in Children’s Literature/Master of Education 2006. Has lectured on picturebooks for children, for instance at the In-service Course for School Librarians, has participated in the BIB symposium, latest in 2015, has reviewed picture books in magazines and a major Danish newspaper, Politiken, has written on illustrators, latest on “Svend Otto S. and the picture books” in Billedfortælleren Svend Otto S., Gyldendal 2016. Member of the Hans Christian Andersen Award Jury 2015, of The International Jury at the BIB 2007, of the jury of The Danish Ministry of Culture’s annual Illustrator's Prize 1989-1997.
Renáta Fučíková, Czech Republic
She studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in the Illustration and Applied Graphics Department. She illustrates books, adapts classical stories into comic strips, designs stamps and in recent years has also authored picture books about the history and lives of outstanding personalities. She has received numerous domestic and international awards and was included in IBBY’s list of honor and nominated for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. She has illustrated fairy tales (Grimm Brothers, Hans Christian Andersen, Oscar Wilde as well as Chinese, Celtic and Arabic fairy tales), the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, Staré povesti české a moravské (Old Legends of the Czech and Moravian Lands) by A. Ježková), Príbehy českých kniežat a kráľov (Stories of Czech Princes and Kings) by A. Ježková, Mojmír, Cesta pravého kráľa (The Trip of the True King) by R. Štulcová, Vianoce (Christmas)  by J. Krček, Krajiny domova (Homeland) by V. Cílek and many more stories.
Hoda Hadadi, Iran
She is writer,illustrator and poet. She has more than 50 published book in different countries,like Iran, China, USA, France, Italy, Denmark. She is winner of national and international prices like: New Horizon Bologna 2010 for (two friends), -Grand Prix of Belgrade 2008 and Golden plaque of Bratislava 2005. Now she is working  as member of directors of Iranian illustrators association,  art director for 2 publisher, art and literacy teacher (children and adults) and freelance illustrator and writer.
Maria Christania Winardi, Indonesia
Maria was born and grew up in Indonesia, where she received her bachelor degree in visual communication design in Bandung Institute of Technology. She then worked as a freelance graphic designer and spent a few years teaching in a kindergarten. Her first picture book, Jerry Giraffe and The Giant Butter Cookie received an honorary mention for publisher in Biennial of Illustration Bratislava 2013 and listed in IBBY Honor List 2014 for illustrator. Later that year, she moved to England, in which she is currently residing. In 2016, she received an MA in Children’s Book Illustration from Cambridge School of Art. Maria is a proud member of SACL (Society of The Advancement of Children’s Literature) and Indonesian Section of IBBY. She is now represented by the Bright Group International.
Steffen Larsen, Denmark
He studied history for several years and worked as a children’s literature reviewer for a leading Danish paper beginning in 1972. Currently he works for Politiken, the top cultural paper in Denmark and also writes for specialized journals such as Børn & Bøger (children & books). He gave numerous presentations on children’s literature for librarians, teachers and other experts and wrote two books, in addition to many papers for journals. He has been a member of the Danish IBBY Section and has been a regular BIB participant. He served as a member of the BIB 2005 jury and a member of the jury at TI in Tallinn and organized an exhibition of Iranian illustrators in Denmark. He participated in the BIB Symposium several times.
Dragana Palavestra, Serbia
Professional arts field/speciality: Visual arts, applied arts and design, exhibitions international and domestic Education: Graduated from Faculty of Philosophy, The History of Art in Belgrade in 1980. Professional experience: Visual arts coordinator in Secretariat of Culture, City of Belgrade – City Government. Previous – Curator in Serbian Association of Applied Arts and Designers. Organisator of some international and domestic exhibitions (The Golden Pen of Belgrade – The International Exhibition of Illustration). A director of Singidunum Gallery from 1983 to 1994, The Gallery for applied arts and design. Art director of national selection many times for Bratislava Biennial of Illustrations and others international exhibitions of illustrations (Japan, India). Participated on International seminar about illustrations in Bratislava Biennial of Illustration in 2001. and 2009. Participated on Second CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators: Continental Breakfast in 2001. The Expanded Art Curators in 2005. Selector for Applied Arts of Oktobar salon in 1994, 1999, Art director for Applied Arts and design of Oktobarski salon in 2002. Member of Council of Oktobarski salon in 2003. and 2004.
Hossein Sheykh Rezaee, Iran
He is an assistant professor in National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), Tehran, Iran. He has received his PhD in philosophy from Durham University, UK, in 2007 and since then he is engaged in teaching and doing research in different areas of philosophy, in particular philosophy of science and mind.
His non-academic interest is children's literature. He is a member of the Children's Book Council of Iran (CBC), the national branch of IBBY, for more than 17 years and now is director of the research group in this institute. Each year the group focuses on a theoretical topic related to children's literature and tries to do a research on it and publish the result, topics included the ways that body and bodily issues are represented in young adult novels in Iran, ethical dilemmas in children's literature, representation of ‘otherness’ in children's literature, death and martyrdom in Persian children's literature on war, etc. He is also interested and engaged in Philosophy for Children (P4C) program. He has run different workshops both for facilitators and students to introduce the program and to encourage them to involve in philosophical thinking. He was the scientific director of the first two national conferences of CBC on Children's Literature and Childhood Studies, 2014 and 2016.
Marija Ristic, Serbia
She finished high school in Zemun. Currently she is a doctorand at the Faculty of Philosophy (Department of History of Art) in Belgrade. Since 2009 is a member of the National Museum Associates' Club. From 2014 until 2016 was an intern at the Art Pavilion 'Cvijeta Zuzorić'. She has been participating in the organization of art colonies in the Republic of Serbian for the past 3 years. Also, her professional activities include: writing essays, introductions for catalogs and group exhibitions; she was author of four exhibitions. Currently, she is the curator of the Golden Pen of Belgrade 2017- international biennial exhibition of illustration organized by the Association of Applied Artists and Designers of Serbia (ULUPUDS).
Maria José Sottomayor, Portugal
She studied art history and has worked in a library for children and young people and given presentations on the topic of the relationship between text/illustration in Spain, Brazil, France, Italy, Argentina and Cuba. She has participated in the International Symposium BIB several times and is the author of papers on books for children and young people and has been the curator of numerous exhibitions.
Václav Šlajch, Czech Republic
He was born in 1980. After his graduation from a Master’s program in Illustration, Faculty of Design and Art (FDA) of the University of West Bohemia (UWB) in Plzen, he worked as a free-lance illustrator and comics author. Since 2013 he has worked as a teacher of Media and Didactic Illustration with the FDA UWB in Plzen. He cooperates with the City Library Prague as an illustrator and was the illustrator for magazines Men Only, Magnus and Maxim for many years, and now is a periodic contributor for the magazine Nový prostor. He started cooperating with the director Jan Svěrák in recent years (besides a short animated film for Nation’s Memory Award, he worked as an illustrator and artist for the film Tři bratři (Three Brothers). He is a regular contributor for the prestigious comix anthology AARGH! published by the association Analphabet books. In 2010 he won the Muriel Award granted by the KomiksFEST festival! for the best short comics story. He likes cactuses, licorice and films by the Coen brothers.
Milena Šubrtová, Czech Republic
She is an associate professor with the Czech Language and Literature Department of the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University in Brno. Her teaching and research focuses on the field of Czech and world literature for children and young people. She is the author of a monograph “The topic of death in Czech and world prose for children and young people” (2007) and was the chief editor for two co-authored publications “Fairy Tale Stories in Czech Literature for Children and Young People” 1990-2010 (2011) and “Dictionary of Authors of Literature for Children and Youth 2. Czech Writers” (2012). She cooperates with the literary periodical and regularly writes about developments in Czech literature for children and youth for the BIBIANA Review.
Manuela Vladic – Mastruko, Croatia
She went on to finish her schooling in Zagreb and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in the class of Professor Ferdinand Kulmer in 1985. She has had a number of one-person shows and group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad. Alongside her professional involvement in art, she conducts practical research in the field of human visual expressiveness and creativity. She is the author of a number of multimedia  art projects for children and adults and now co-operates with museums and galleries by organising and managing art projects for visitors. Manuela was a member of several juries devoted to art and illustration. She has written and illustrated 12 original picture books for children and written number of articles on art . In 2014 Manuela created and co-organized ARTEINSULA, a multidisciplinary non profit organization focused on creativity in art for children and adults and phenomena of childhood and growing up.  Her multimedia art in progress project “Island of Childhood” (started in 2008) is devoted to the children and people on small Croatian islands through presentations of her picture books, art workshops and exhibitions, in order to build creative networks between children and adults and their social an cultural environment. She has recevied a number of awards and prizes for her work. She is a member of the Croatian Artists Society and the Croatian Association of Independent Artists.
Mirjana Bajić (1955) is a post graduated Art Historian (specialized for contemporary art), curator of SULUJ Gallery from 2012, and distinguished artist from 2004 and also a member of ULUPUDS, DIUS and AICA. She was born in Zemun where she finished high school. In the period from 1989-93 she was worked as a curator of ULUPUDS at major events (May Exhibition, International biennial exhibition of illustration the Golden Pen of Belgradethe Prague Quadrennial). She was the curator of il the International part of the 49th and 50th Golden Pen of Belgrade 2007, 2009, (she was also author of introduction of the catalog 2007 which was published on the website of the World IBBY). Her professional activity is divided into several parts: newspaper representations, studies, essays; introductions for catalogs of solo and group exhibitions; she was author of the exhibition-projects; participating at international congresses (Amsterdam 1996), seminars, symposiums, colonies, participating at juries and forums. In her bibliography she has 40 introductions for solo exhibitions, which were published in Serbia, Italy, Greece, Romania, France, Sri Lanka.
Senka Vlahović, Serbia
She is engaged in design and illustration of books and theory of illustration, as well as in photography, painting, video art, experimenting with various artistic media and fields of their application. She graduated in Applied Photography (2007) and specialized in Book Illustration (2011) at the Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad. She finished her Master’s degree at the Academy of Arts in Belgrade (2015) on the subject Video-illustration. She is the founder, director and jury member of the Book illustration festival "BookILL Fest" in Novi Sad, Serbia. In 2013 she has published a book "On illustrating poetry books: history, theory, practice". In 2015 she has published a book "VIDEO-ILLUSTRATION OF A BOOK: A New View on the Illustration and Image-Building of a Book in Public" for which she has received the Award for the best book in the category of theory of visual communications at the 60. International Book Fair in Belgrade in 2015.
In 2015 she participated at The International Symposium within the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava. She designed or illustrated covers for over 300 books published by Banat Cultural Centre in Novo Miloševo where she works as art director. She had 26 solo exhibitions and many group exhibitions in Serbia and abroad.
Mingzhou Zhang, China
He studied international affairs management at Shanghai International Studies University and then worked as a director of the Chinese film association for children and youth. He is the vice-president of the Chinese IBBY Section and actively promotes children’s reading. He participated in organizing the International Forum on Children’s Reading Culture and cooperated with elementary schools in research of children’s literature, effective learning and reading promotion. He has intensified cooperation between the Chinese IBBY Section and Central IBBY as well as with other national IBBY sections. In 2016 he was Elected as Vice President of IBBY,   a Chinese person holds this position in IBBY history for the first time.
He believes that arts can save human souls, that international cultural and art exchanges can enhance mutual understanding and respect ,can protect ecological environment and keep world peace.



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