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Competitions for schools

Competitions for schools

Competitions for schools - evaluation

The teacher Mrs. Soňa Škulová with the children from the 7th grade of Ivan Bukovčan Primary School 3
of Devínska Nová Ves borough, created in the category How To Look into the History - Read and Create
a model of The Red Stone Castle, that will be a part of the exposition of the new Reading Room - The
Secret of Castle Treasure.


The Elementary School Školská 1 from Ľubica, district of Kežmarok, participated with their teacher Eva
Raffajová in the category 14 Adventurous Days of Guľko Bombuľko.


Katka Gersová and Terezka Macková from Ivan Bukovčan Primary School 3 of Devínska Nová Ves borough
participated in the category of The Tournament of Eloquent Storytellers.


And this is how the front page of the Diary of Guľko Bombuľko written by Tereza Macková looks like.
























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