Dates of event :
from: 2. 10. 2019
to: 29. 10. 2019
Venue :
Turčianska knižnica, Divadelná 5, Martin
The travelling exhibition It Makes Sense Even without the Senses will be open to Martin audience in October. In this interactive exhibition the young visitors can learn about their age-mates with special needs. In a game to accomplish tasks "in the shoes" of a handicapped child, they will learn to know the heroes of some extraordinary books. A selection of more than 100 books from the BIBIANA Library collections is exhibited. The visitors can browse a diverse assortment of titles coming from all over the world, featuring literary portraits of children and young people with different disabilities as well as the books in special formats (Braille, tactile etc.) and the easy-to-read books appropriate for children with learning difficulties or delayed mental development.