The ten-member international jury, chaired by Ms Margaret Anne Suggs from Ireland, judged 2072 original illustrations. The international jury, composed of experts in the field of book culture, awarded prizes to the best illustrators - Grand Prix, 5 Golden Apples, 5 Plaques.
The jury consisted of: Ms. Amanda Ariawan, Indonesia; Ms. Orna Granot, Israel; Ms. Renate Habinger, Austria; Ms. Chen Hui, China; Mr. Vladimír Král, Slovakia; Mr. Odilon Moraes, Brazil; Ms. Gundega Muzikante, Latvia; Ms. Susanne Sandström, Sweden; Ms. Margaret Anne Suggs, Ireland; Mr. Kiril Zlatkov, Bulgaria.
Grand Prix BIB 2023:
Paloma Valdivia Čile/Chile
Golden Apple BIB´23:
Anete Bajāre-Babčuka Lotyšsko/Latvia
Xunru Chen Čína/China
Maeva Rubli Švajčiarsko/Switzerland
Maya Shleifer Izrael/Israel
Daniel Torrent Španielsko/Spain
BIB´23 Plaque:
Anna Cunha Brazília/Brazil
Lucie Lučanská Česko/Czech Republic
Sanna Pelliccioni Fínsko/Finland
Jaan Rõõmus Estónsko/Estonia
Vendi Vernić Chorvátsko/Croatia
Honorary Mention for the Publisher BIB´23:
Sakyejul Publishing Ltd Kórejská republika/Republic of Korea
Tara books India/India
Children´s Jury Award BIB´23
Nada Serafimovic Srbsko/Serbia
Award of the Mayor of the Capital City Bratislava BIB´23
Simona Smatana Slovensko/Slovakia Award
Ondrej Zimka Slovensko/Slovakia