Dates of event :
from: 9. 10. 2018
to: 27. 2. 2019
Venue :
BIBIANA, 1. poschodie
This exhibition celebrates the work of animators… those inconspicuous and infinitely patient people bringing fantastic tales and stories to life. Using various animation techniques, they virtually animated/quickened everything possible: a drawing, a piece of paper, modelling clay and various toys. The kids will get to know the work of the founder of the Slovak animated film, i.e. Viktor Kubal, his Guy from the crossing and the kids will meet the tomcats Puff and Muff in the old bathing tub. Through a dragon's mouth they will get into a room dedicated to cut-out-animation (flat-figure-animation) with a work-table illuminated from beneath. The technical room with figures by Ivan Popovič is a workplace, where the kids will draw the basics for an animated film. Another room is dealing with puppet-films, i.e. with dioramas of interiors of well-known movies and model-figures and the kids can try their moving then. The digital cut-out-animation (also known as "flat-figure-animation"), the cartoon film and 3D-animation are created through computer based animation. Even this is something the kids can try here.
Theme and script – H. Marčeková, design-space-solution – M. Dubravay, dramaturgy – K. Minichová.