Dates of event :
21. 3. 2020
Venue :
BIBIANA, studio
Special program - International puppetry day
On March 21, 2020, we will commemorate the International Puppetry Day at Bibiana, which has been proclaimed by the International Puppetry Association - UNIMA in 2002.
It is a day of celebration and support of the art of puppetry, puppeteers and the puppet theatre, which has an extensive track record here In Slovakia. Since December 1, 2016 — the Slovak and Czech puppetry is listed in UNESCO's list of intangible heritage. Let's celebrate this day with two guest productions:
- Flying little Betty
The tale of flying Betty is not just witty, but contains also a profound message — accompanied with live music. This cute story is about Betty, who is looking for wings for all her life, but those will not grow that easily. Based on the book "The tale the flying Betty" by Daniel Pastirčák, this performance has been rehearsed by students of the Puppetry Department at the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU).
Script, direction, scenography, Cast – A. Kamenská, Š. P. Králik, music – M. Klas
(For kids from the age of 4)
„Each of you has two and a half wishes!“ the magic fish said. „And a half wishes? How should that work?“ These were the thoughts of Ali and Rick, but the very moment they started contemplating what they could wish. Will the magic fish fulfil their wishes, taking them to exotic location, teaching them dancing, take minor risks and not to be afraid? Will the fish explain to them how to fulfil a half-wish? This creation of this production has been inspired by the masters of the silent-film era. You will a performance full of buffooneries, and gags.
Script – S. Rezníčeková, direction – Andrej Šoltés, stage-design, puppets, costumes – M. G. Šafárik, music – M. Skačan, Cast – A. Šoltés, M. Kusenda / M. Rosík
The performance has been supported by the Arts Support Fund (Fond na podporu umenia).
This month, Bibiana will host the young puppetry bunch ŠIBE
with a new production
- Pressburg-tales
Pressburg-tales? You will tell to yourself: „It was ages ago!“ Not really!
Before that, it was called Bratislava - Prešporok (Pressburg) and as every proper city, it has numerous mysterious stories: What shall we do with a ghost haunting the castle and how to recover the stolen crown-jewels back? Why were tower-clocks mounted just to three sides of a tower? How to defeat the Turkish army? All it takes is a good heart and some mischief.
And on top of that - a well baked, scenting Pressburger Croissant. Come and taste it!
Direction – M. Kecskésová, theme and script – Š. P. Králik, A. Kamenská, Stage-design and puppets – R. Baňacká and the ŠiBe-team, music – M. Klas and Š. P. Králik, Cast – A. Kamenská, Š. P. Králik, M. Klas, Execution of the scene – I. Kamenský
This production has been co-funded by the Literature Fund.
(For kids from the age of 5)