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28.09.2023 - 3. 12. 2023

Polish Book Illustration for Children

At this exhibition, you don't even have to enter the exhibition room. A selection of 14 posters by seven contemporary Polish illustrators having participated in the BIB in the past — can be viewed and admired during a planned or just purely accidental walk in the Institute's windows. Free access (literally) “directly from the street”.

28.09.2023 - 14. 10. 2023

See you!

​​​​​​​For the first time in Slovakia, you can visit the International Travelling Exhibition "We See Each Other!" — presenting a selection of 50 illustrations from the ten most beautiful picture books for children and the youth from 2022, having been awarded the "Panda Honorary" prize in China.

29.09.2023 - 1. 10. 2023

International Jury BIB 2023

An eleven-member international jury will judge and evaluate 2,072 original illustrations from all over the world. Its members will present their decision on the awards (Grand Prix, 5 Golden Apples, 5 Plaques and Honorable Mention to the Publisher) at an international press conference held on Wednesday 4.10.

05.10.2023 - 5. 10. 2023

BIB International Symposium

After the pandemic year 2021, when the international symposium did not take place and contributions were only published, in 2023 the symposium will take place on October 5 –October 6, 2023 in the University Library in Bratislava.  ​​​​​​​The theme of the BIB 2023 international symposium is: Fairy Tale Books (National Identity of Illustration and its Communication in the International Context) 

02.10.2023 - 30. 10. 2023

Miroslav Cipár to the kids

Pocta detskej knižnej ilustračnej tvorbe Miroslava Cipára

10.10.2023 - 3. 11. 2023


Three ladies of illustration, three award-winners. Exhibition of illustrations by the winners of the three non-statutory BIB 2021 awards. Jana Kiselová-Siteková, winner of the BIB Post Office Bank Award 2021, Zuzana Bočkayová-Bruncková, winner of the BIB 2021 Mayor of Bratislava Prize and Fabienne Delacroix, winner of the BIB 2021 Children's Jury Award.

02.10.2023 - 3. 12. 2023

Hall of Fame

Spojenie výtvarnej tvorby a literatúry, spojenie ocenených. S tým je spätá výstava Sieň slávy. Odhalí svet ilustrácií držiteliek Ceny Grand Prix BIB 2021 a Ceny Hansa Christiana Andersena 2022 - Elena Odriozola držiteľka Grand Prix BIB 2021, Suzy Lee držiteľka Ceny Hansa Christiana Andersena 2022 za ilustráciu, Marie-Aude Murail držiteľka Ceny Hansa Christiana Andersena 2022 za literatúru.

05.10.2023 - 3. 11. 2023

Exhibition of the winners of the Children's Jury Prize 1993 - 2021 

In 1993 a children's jury, made up of children from different parts of Slovakia, was added to select their winner. Awarded: 1993 Igor Piačka (Slovakia), 1995 Hiromu Beppu (Japan), 1997 Nikolaj Ustinov (Ukraine), 1999 Alenka Sottler (Slovenia), 2001 Charlotte Dematons (Netherlands), 2003 Marcin Kołpanowicz (Poland), 2005 Charlotte Dematons (Netherlands), 2007 Jae Hong Kim (Republic of Korea), 2009 Peter Uchnár (Slovakia), 2011 Ayano Imai (Japan), 2013 Gi-Hun Lee (Republic of Korea), 2015...

06.10.2023 - 12. 10. 2023

Albin Brunovský BIB-UNESCO Workshop

Albin Brunovský workshop did not take place in the pandemic year 2021, at the current edition of BIB 2023, foreign and Slovak artists will meet at this event. It will take place on October 6 – October 12, 2023 in the premises of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. It will be led by Ľuboslav Paľo

04.10.2023 - 3. 12. 2023

BIB 2023 International jury

An interantional jury will award prizes to the best illustrators of BIB 2023 - Grand Prix, 5 Golden Appples, 5 Plaques and Honorable Mentions to the publishers:

  • Amanda Ariawan – Indonesia

Art curator, writer, and cultural worker. She obtained her Master’s in Contemporary Art Exhibition Production from Université de Lille, with research that examined the local, global, and identity issues within Asian contemporary art. Since then, her roles in the arts...

04.10.2023 - 3. 12. 2023

BIB 2023 Executive Committee

Zuzana Liptáková

Director of BIBIANA. Graduated in Aesthetics and French at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava. She worked in the field of media and culture, then as a dramaturg...

04.10.2023 - 3. 12. 2023

Time schedule

29. Biennial of...


Event calendar



Event calendar for download

Bibiana is closed on Mondays