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The Most Beautiful Books of Slovakia 2020 - awards

The Most Beautiful Books of Slovakia 2020 - awards

Award of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic to the Publisher for the artistic and technical quality of the book
IKAR, a.s., Bratislava
for the book Biblia

Award of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic to the author for outstanding book illustrations 
Karol Felix
for the book Erik Ondrejička: Za jedinou vetou

Award of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic to the author for outstanding book design
Vladislav Rostoka
for the book Vladislav Rostoka: Cipár&Logo – et...c

Award of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic to the Publisher for the bibliophilic edition
Peter Ďurík
for the book Alexander Sergejevič Puškin: Voľnosť

Award of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic to the Publisher for a textbook
LiberaTerra, s.r.o., Bratislava
for the textbook Ľubica Demčáková: Škola v prírode

Award of the Polygraphy Association in Slovakia to the Printing Company for extraordinary polygraphic processing
NEOGRAFIA, a.s., Martin
for the book Ľubomír Longauer: Úžitková grafika na Slovensku po roku 1918. 3. časť Mierny pokrok

BIBIANA award to the Publisher for The most beautiful children´s book 
Vydavateľstvo BUVIK, s.r.o., Bratislava
for the book Jaroslava Blažková: Mačky letia do Kanady

Slovak National Library Award for student thesis
Alexandra Hrehová
for the work Alexandra Hrehová: Idey vrhajúce tieň

Kolekcia prác študentov Školy umeleckého priemyslu, Košice:
Miroslava Antolíková: Akvárium
Viktória Liptaiová: Na samote, v lese
Adam Smotrila: Neobyčajný deň
Šimon Bakajsa: Píp Píp!
Veronika Lešková: Príbeh o malom kabátiku

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