On November 22, in The Chamber Studio of the Slovak Radio, the award ceremony of three national awards took place: the Ľudovít Fulla Award 2018, the Triple Rose Award (Trojruža) 2018, and the International Prize - IBBY Honour List 2018.
The Fine Arts Fund, Slovak Section of IBBY, and BIBIANA, the International House of Art for Children, awarded Kristína Šimková ĽUDOVÍT FULLA AWARD 2018 for a fantasy-realistic, cultivated illustrative work for children that inspires their imagination.
The Literary Fund, Slovak Section of IBBY, and BIBIANA, the International House of Art for Children, awarded Jana Šimulčíková TRIPLE ROSE AWARD (Trojruža) 2018 for a literary contribution to the qualitative development of the Slovak girls' novel and for a poetic work for children, which opens a world of love and understanding to children through metaphorical, contemporary language.
The IBBY Honour List Diplomas 2018 were awarded to the authors and publishers of these winning books:
·Daniel Pastirčák for the book Rozprávka O lietajúcej Alžbetke (A tale of Flying Betty) – published by Vydavateľstvo Artforum
·Jana Kiselová-Siteková for illustrations in the book Mamička (Mother) – published by Vydavateľstvo BUVIK
·Ľubomír Feldek for the translation of a book written by Jaroslav Seifert Mother (Mamička) – Vydavateľstvo BUVIK
At the award ceremony, the singer and violinist Miriam Kaiser performed some of her original songs with her band, MIRIAM KAISER TRIO.
Congratulations to all award recipients!