Program listing
01.08.2019 - 15. 9. 2019
This exhibition presents the current Serbian art of illustration and has been prepared for BIBIANA by the Banat Cultural Center in Novy Milošev.THE DANUBE-QUEEN AND THE FAIRIES
This fairy-tale performance is based on the book Dunajská kráľovná, povesti a báje o Bratislave (The Danube Queen, Legends and Myths about Bratislava) by Mária Ďuríčková. In this way, BIBIANA commemorates this Slovak writer and author of child-books at the occasion of her 100th birth anniversary.29.05.2019 - 2. 8. 2019
It makes sense even without the senses - Čadca
Reinštalácia výstavy v Čadci.10.06.2019 - 15. 6. 2019
BAB at the Annecy Festival 2019
Bienále animácie Bratislava pripravilo na Medzinárodný filmový festival animovaných filmov v Annecy 2019 viacero výstav a tvorivé dielne.08.06.2019 - 11. 6. 2019
Film RUDDY THE SCARECROW awarded the Main Prize at the Festival ARLEKIN 2019 in Varna, Bulgaria
The film RUDDY THE SCARECROW received the Main prize for the Best Animation Film in the category of animated films at the International Film Festival for Children and Youth Media Arts ARLEKIN 2019 in Varna, (Bulgaria, June 8th – 11th, 2019).
The Festival is organised by the Ministry of Education and Science and it is oriented on media arts intended for children and youth.
Congratulations to the creative BAB...
20.06.2019 - 28. 7. 2019
Nomination exhibition of Slovak illustrators at the BIB 201924.05.2019 - 3. 11. 2019
This exhibition dedicated to calligraphy is basically about penmanship (beautiful script), showing - how script came into being over the centuries in various parts of the world.05.06.2019 - 5. 6. 2019
UK entrants for BIB, the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava 2019 announced
The International Centre for the Picture Book in Society based at the University of Worcester and IBBY UK (International Board of Books for Young People) are delighted to announce a collaboration to select UK illustrators for the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava (BIB) 2019.
BIB is one of the oldest international honours for children's book illustrators and one of the more prestigious. Eleven awards...
02.06.2019 - 2. 6. 2019
Children´s day in BIBIANA
V nedeľu popri tradičných dielničkách pre rodičov s deťmi, bol aj workshop, na ktorom sa deti a ich sprievodcovia zoznámia s módou 20. rokov 20. storočia, vypočujú si ukážky swingovej hudby a tanečnica im predvedie svetoznámy tanec charleston.29.04.2019 - 10. 5. 2019
Stála misia Slovenskej republiky pri Organizácii spojených národov v Ženeve v spolupráci s BIBIANOU, medzinárodným domom umenia pre deti dňa 30. 4. 2019 otvorili v Paláci národov výstavu Bienále ilustrácií Bratislava (BIB).26.04.2019 - 9. 6. 2019