Program listing
22.01.2018 - 4. 2. 2018
Island of Letters and Pics
Interactive exhibition of illustrations awarded at the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava, providing the kids with the chance of creating their own imaginary stories inspired by illustrations and the fine-arts installation of original pics & letter cubes.15.01.2018 - 31. 1. 2018
This is a representational exhibition of 80 paintings of the leading naive-painter Ján Bačúr from the village of Kováčová11.01.2018 - 18. 2. 2018
Cinema from beneath the Pillow
In this exhibition you will learn how movies do project themselves into the dreams of illustrator Petra Štefanková.30.11.2017 - 5. 1. 2018
Slovak illustrators awarded at BIB 1967 – 2017 - Čadca
11.12.2017 - 15. 2. 2018
Illustrators awarded at BIB 1967 – 2017 - Copenhagen
Slovak illustrators awarded at BIB 1967 – 2015 Infant Jury Prize 1993 – 2017 Awarded Danish illustrators 1967 – 2017 Dates: December 11, 2017 – February 15, 201829.11.2017 - 15. 12. 2017
Illustrators awarded at BIB 2017 - Warsaw
3rd annual Silk Road Cultural Forum08.12.2017 - 4. 3. 2018
Reinštalácia úspešnej výstavy v Košiciach.06.12.2017 - 7. 1. 2018
At Bibiana, kids can bake their ginger-bread, create their own picture postcards as well as minor presents — each day, except Monday.09.11.2017 - 12. 11. 2017
BIBIANA na Bibliotéke
Illustrators awarded at the BIB 2017
The most beautiful BOOKS OF SLOVAKIA 2016
The most beautiful children books 2016
BAB Animation Express
At the BIBLIOTÉKA 2017 — BAB presents three selection-collections of award-winning movies.
12.10.2017 - 31. 12. 2017
Comics-land -Plavčík and Vratko – humorous horror for kids
Reinštalácia úspešnej výstavy, ktorej dal výtvarnú podobu Matúš Maťátko16.11.2017 - 30. 11. 2017