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Program listing

08.09.2017 - 29. 10. 2017

Slovak illustrator, Svetozár Mydlo

Svetozár Mydlo was a reputed illustrator, painter, graphic artist, caricaturist and author of postal stamps. His visual expression featured creative ideas, wit, explosiveness, buoyant fantasy and joyous colors. Mydlo’s dynamic, multicolor and witty illustrations, just like all of his works, are notorious for their searching for and discovering ever new art techniques and procedures that are playful, bursting with energy, surprises and fun. Svetozár Mydlo was an artist with a distinct...

14.08.2017 - 11. 9. 2017

EMILIA DZIUBAK – Illustrations for children

Poľským zástupcom na Bienále ilustrácie Bratislava 2017 bude ilustrátorka a autorka knižiek pre deti Emilia Dziubak.

02.09.2017 - 19. 11. 2017

IGOR PIAČKA – illustrations

Igor Piačka was born in Třebíč in the Czech Republic (1962), graduated from 1983-1989 in free graphic and book production at prof. Albín Brunovský at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and in 1987-1988 the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels (Belgium). After completing his studies, he worked as an assistantof professor at the Department of Graphics at VŠVU in Bratislava in 1990-2003. He lives and works in Pezinok, he is engaged in painting, graphics, drawings, stamping, book...

19.09.2017 - 21. 8. 2018


Numerous Slovak illustrators won BIB awards during its 50-year history. Regular meetings with illustrators present opportunities for children to ask questions and find out what they always wanted to know about the artists.

20.09.2017 - 21. 8. 2018


A workshop focusing on perception of aesthetic elements and their following verbalization. Children learn to identify an emotion expressed through art and then retell it. The workshop was inspired by works by D. Olejníková, M. Maťátko, P. Uchnár and other artists

21.08.2017 - 21. 8. 2017


This is how illustrations by children become alive. Workshops will be guided by Slovak illustrators: Svetozár Košický, Vladimír Král, Juraj Martiška, Alena Wágnerová, Katarína Slaninková, Dušan Nágel.

08.09.2017 - 29. 10. 2017

THE WORLD IN A COUPLE OF MINUTES -Tour of exhibition of BIB 2017 works

Children can enjoy an interactive program called The World in a Couple of Minutes. It is a tour of the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava 2017 that builds a fictitious bridge between children and illustrations. Reservations for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 and 14:00 tours need to be made.

03.09.2017 - 6. 9. 2017

BIB 2017 International Jury session

Originály ilustrácií hodnotí medzinárodná odborná porota, ktorá je zložená z teoretikov výtvarného umenia, ilustrátorov, vydavateľov, knihovníkov a kurátorov. Je to zoskupenie 9 členov z rôznych krajín, kontinentov a rôznych kultúr.

08.09.2017 - 28. 10. 2017


The artist was born in 1948 in Stuttgart, graduated from a Munich Fachhochschule in graphics design and then worked in the advertising industry; since 1977 she has focused on illustrating and writing books. At present she is among the most successful illustrators and book designers in Germany; she has illustrated more than 80 books and designed about 800 book covers. Most of the books she illustrated are picture books for children that tell stories without words.

08.09.2017 - 28. 10. 2017

Exhibition of NAMI CONCOURS winners 2017, South Korea

Nami Concours, an illustration contest initiated by Nami Island in 2013 offers extensive support for children's book artists by providing an opportunity to present their works. The primary aim of Nami Concours is to provide artists with the opportunity to introduce their work on a global scale so that illustrators throughout the world can be inspired to create high quality works of art. Ultimately, we hope NAMI CONCOURS will contribute to an increase the quality of picture book...

07.09.2017 - 12. 11. 2017


The works by this young and talented illustrator Veronika Klímova attest to very high standard of Slovak illustration art. While she was still a student, her first book, Hlbokomorské rozprávky (The Deep Sea Fairy Tales), was published and immediately captured the attention of the professional and lay public. The quality of her art also brought her illustrations for this book (as the first artist from Slovakia ever) to the exhibition at the Bologna Book Fair in 2013 and also won an award in The...
