Program listing
29.09.2023 - 30. 10. 2023
I come from my childhood, as if from some country
Prichádzam zo svojho detstva, akoby z nejakej krajiny. Pod týmto názvom vystavuje oceňovaná izraelská ilustrátorka Anat Warshavsky. Výstava pri príležitosti 30. výročia nadviazania diplomatických vzťahov medzi Slovenskou republikou a Izraelským štátom a 75. výročia nezávislosti Izraelského štátu predstavuje desiatky ilustrácií autorky zo štyroch detských kníh.28.09.2023 - 3. 12. 2023
Polish Book Illustration for Children
At this exhibition, you don't even have to enter the exhibition room. A selection of 14 posters by seven contemporary Polish illustrators having participated in the BIB in the past — can be viewed and admired during a planned or just purely accidental walk in the Institute's windows. Free access (literally) “directly from the street”.28.09.2023 - 14. 10. 2023
See you!
For the first time in Slovakia, you can visit the International Travelling Exhibition "We See Each Other!" — presenting a selection of 50 illustrations from the ten most beautiful picture books for children and the youth from 2022, having been awarded the "Panda Honorary" prize in China.02.10.2023 - 30. 10. 2023
Miroslav Cipár to the kids
Pocta detskej knižnej ilustračnej tvorbe Miroslava Cipára10.10.2023 - 3. 11. 2023
Three ladies of illustration, three award-winners. Exhibition of illustrations by the winners of the three non-statutory BIB 2021 awards. Jana Kiselová-Siteková, winner of the BIB Post Office Bank Award 2021, Zuzana Bočkayová-Bruncková, winner of the BIB 2021 Mayor of Bratislava Prize and Fabienne Delacroix, winner of the BIB 2021 Children's Jury Award.02.10.2023 - 3. 12. 2023
Hall of Fame
Spojenie výtvarnej tvorby a literatúry, spojenie ocenených. S tým je spätá výstava Sieň slávy. Odhalí svet ilustrácií držiteliek Ceny Grand Prix BIB 2021 a Ceny Hansa Christiana Andersena 2022 - Elena Odriozola držiteľka Grand Prix BIB 2021, Suzy Lee držiteľka Ceny Hansa Christiana Andersena 2022 za ilustráciu, Marie-Aude Murail držiteľka Ceny Hansa Christiana Andersena 2022 za literatúru.05.10.2023 - 3. 11. 2023
Exhibition of the winners of the Children's Jury Prize 1993 - 2021
In 1993 a children's jury, made up of children from different parts of Slovakia, was added to select their winner. Awarded: 1993 Igor Piačka (Slovakia), 1995 Hiromu Beppu (Japan), 1997 Nikolaj Ustinov (Ukraine), 1999 Alenka Sottler (Slovenia), 2001 Charlotte Dematons (Netherlands), 2003 Marcin Kołpanowicz (Poland), 2005 Charlotte Dematons (Netherlands), 2007 Jae Hong Kim (Republic of Korea), 2009 Peter Uchnár (Slovakia), 2011 Ayano Imai (Japan), 2013 Gi-Hun Lee (Republic of Korea), 2015...04.10.2023 - 4. 10. 2023
Ondrej Zimka,Holder of the BIB 2023 Award
Ondrej Zimka, Slovensko
Holder of the BIB 2023 Award
Ondrej Zimka (1937) was born in Turzovka in Kysuce. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava in 1964 with a degree in applied graphics under professors P. Matejka and J. Chovan. Throughout his life he was actively engaged in several artistic directions - besides illustration, he also painted, applied graphics, cartoons, monumental work...
18.05.2023 - 3. 9. 2023
The new interactive exhibition "Sign hunters" focuses on the mankind's greatest discovery – i.e. script.12.10.2021 - 12. 10. 2021
Medzinárodné konferencie o čítaní IBBY INŠTITÚTU BRATISLAVA, ktorých hlavným organizátorom je BIBIANA, medzinárodný dom umenia pre deti – Centrum detskej literatúry, čítania a SK IBBY sa konajú každý druhý rok v čase Bienále ilustrácií Bratislava. Dvojdňové konferencie sme tentokrát riešili čiastočne prezenčne a čiastočne online, čoho výsledkom je 7 hodinový maratón zaujímavých príspevkov zo Slovenska aj zo zahraničia, ktorý si môžete pozrieť online.07.10.2022 - 7. 10. 2022
The international jury awarded the prizes of the 16th Biennial of Animation Bratislava
The 16th edition of the Biennial of Animation Bratislava (BAB) has its winners. This oldest festival of its kind in Slovakia has been opening its gates for more than 30 years and regularly brings viewers quality animated works from all over the world. The international jury, the festival's...