Program listing
25.10.2022 - 26. 10. 2022
This is a captivating and playful scenic reading from a children-book rendered by students of the VŠMU (Academy of Music and Drama) within the exhibition MOST BEAUTIFUL BOOKS OF SLOVAKIA 2021.09.10.2022 - 9. 10. 2022
This workshop will put to the test skilful hands, as well as smart tongues. Here you will cut, draw, paint and even assemble. With the incoming autumn, comes also the magical and colourful period of witches, ghosts and sorcery. Your guide in this workshop will be the illustrator-lady Hedviga M. Gutierrez, who also illustrated the book by Jozef Moravčík Jakubovec with "Rocking witches", issued by the publisher Albatros Media..23.10.2022 - 23. 10. 2022
This letter-workshop will show the kids in a playful way, how to create a letter from a picture or a "pic" from a letter. So as each and every word hides numerous pictures — the picture of a letter can be expressive and meaningful as well. Maybe it hides a story, or plenty of colours and maybe there comes a "D" … as "Dinosaur" … sliding down right to the paper.16.10.2022 - 16. 10. 2022
Voľakedy sa volala Bratislava - Prešporok. A ako každé poriadne mesto, malo veľa tajomných príbehov: Čo sa dá robiť s duchom, ktorý straší na hrade a ako získať ukradnuté kráľovské klenoty? Prečo sa hodiny montovali iba na tri strany veže? Ako poraziť tureckú armádu? Stačilo kus odvahy, dobré srdce a kvapku šibalstva.01.10.2022 - 19. 2. 2023
TRESKY PLESKY - Slashes and bangs
Set out for an adventurous journey in the foot-steps of the reporter Kata Strofová at the exhibition Tresky plesky (Slashes and bangs). Explore natural phenomena as e.g. a volcano, lightning, tsunami or an avalanche. Meet monkeys as well as a huge whale or come for some skiing with us in the city centre of Bratislava.01.10.2022 - 19. 2. 2023
The exhibition is organised in cooperation with the German cartoon-movie-studio FILM BILDER in Stuttgart, based on the Animanimals series.17.08.2022 - 17. 8. 2022
Children's wedding from Kovačica - Bratislava
Cheerful costumed parade of children from the Slovak village of Kovačica in Serbia through the streets of the Old Town from BIBIANA to Hviezdoslavovo námestie. Children will present the wedding customs of our compatriots.09.06.2022 - 24. 7. 2022
The most beautiful books in Slovakia 2021 - exhibition of books in BIBIANA
Výstava ocenených kníh a súťažných titulov z rovnomennej celoslovenskej súťaže. Súťaž o najkrajšie knihy hodnotí výtvarnú úroveň a kvalitu polygrafického spracovania kníh vydaných v predchádzajúcom roku. Pod názvom Najkrajšie knihy Slovenska predstavuje tituly prihlásené a ocenené v 30. ročníku súťaže, v Galérii Dušana Rolla.29.04.2022 - 29. 5. 2022
The exhibition named "Garden of (fairy) tales" presents art-works by the Ján Albrecht Artistic Primary School (ZUŠ), inviting the kids at the very same time to learn about music, fine arts, theatre, as well as dancing - all that in very creative and playful way.24.03.2022 - 24. 4. 2022
# word # language # book
This exhibition of books and magazines for the children and youth of ethnic minorities in Slovakia — presents art-works by those minorities in this field, both in their native language, as well as in Slovak. Those authors and stories help preserving the mother tongue and ethnical identity.17.02.2022 - 11. 9. 2022
We got inspired for this exhibition by the beautiful book by the Czech authors D. Böhm and O. Buddeus: Hlava v hlavě (A head in the head). The exhibition is virtually packed with interactive elements about this most important part of the human body - the head.06.12.2021 - 13. 3. 2022