Program listing
25.10.2019 - 5. 1. 2020
27th Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava (BIB) 2019
Important dates, places, accompanying exhibitions and events. The 27th Biennale of Illustrations Bratislava (BIB) 2019 held between October 25, 2019 and January 5, 2020 at the exhibition premises on the 2nd floor of Bratislava's castle.10.10.2020 - 10. 11. 2020
Illustrators Awarded on BIB 2019- Lubina
Traveling exhibition of awarded illustrations at BIB 2019 in Poland, will move to the Gallery of the Municipal Library in Lubin.24.09.2020 - 31. 5. 2021
BIB 2021 International Symposium - Call for Entries
The BIB Secretariat announces the topic of the BIB 2021 International Symposium will be "COMICS IN THE CURRENT PICTURE BOOK FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH" (Creative and discovery strategies) Deadline for sending the contributions is May 31, 202115.07.2021 - 10. 10. 2021
The Silent Travelling
This playful and inspiring exhibition takes you for a journey through the world of „silent“ books from various corners of the world (European, American, Arabic, Japanese, Thai, Korean as well as Australian). The silent books, consisting only of pictures without any text — represent a little known genre of children literature.01.09.2020 - 30. 9. 2020
Slovak illustrators awarded at BIB 1967 -2019
Exhibition of reproductions of award-winning Slovak illustrators at the Bratislava Biennial of Illustration in the entire history of the competition05.10.2020 - 10. 10. 2020
BAB festival in an unusual format
In this difficult situation caused by the COVID-19 virus, we were forced to make some changes. This year, our festival will be held online and on our national TV station RTVS. Unfortunately, due to the copyright restrictions, the screenings will be geolocked just to Slovakia and Czech Republic. We sincerely hope that you will understand our situation.17.08.2020 - 6. 9. 2020
Exhibition of Hungarian illustrations exhibited at the 27th BIB
Thirteen illustrators from Hungary exhibit together about twenty books and illustrations of them, which were exhibited at the 27th Bratislava Biennial of Illustrators (BIB) last year.03.06.2020 - 30. 6. 2020
1824 films have been registered to BAB 2020
"Call for Entries" festivalu BAB sa oficiálne skončilo. Ďakujeme za všetky prihlásené filmy, ktorých prišlo naozaj neúrekom. Spolu evidujeme 1824 filmov z 96 rôznych krajín sveta. Teraz nás čaká výber tých najlepších, z ktorých zostavíme súťažné filmové pásma. Už sa veľmi tešíme na začiatok októbra, kedy si ich budete mať možnosť pozrieť aj vy.28.10.2019 - 2. 11. 2019
An integral part of BIB is also the International Workshop BIB-UNESCO Workshop of Albín Brunovský, which will take place after the symposium and will last for a week. This year will take place in the manor house in Mojmírovce near Nitra. The workshop was led by a prominent Slovak illustrator Miroslav Regitko. The theme of the workshop is: Loving pictures. The originals created here will be included in the promotional catalog and we will present them at exhibitions at home and abroad.16.06.2020 - 16. 6. 2020
Statute BIB 2021
Statute and Organization order of 28th Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava made public.09.06.2020 - 1. 5. 2021
Invitation for illustrators
We invite our illustrator friends to send us an original postcard (10x15cm) with your illustration of a fish or sea creature on the picture side of the card and a relevant message, phrase or thought on the theme on the message side of the card. Some of you will send a postcard created by hand, others may send a digital or partially digital artwork. The method will be representative of your personal visual language. Your image can be representative of a real fish/sea creature from your...12.05.2020 - 6. 9. 2020